Zaher Alchihabi (Syria) – Tanarum, 2017, 4:33
A man, a journey into the unknown. Underpinned by “eastern” and “western” sounds that getting mixed. In the end, a fusion of the two cultures took place. For integration.
Zaher Alchihabi
The Syrian actor completed acting studies at the state drama school in Aleppo. Subsequently, he applied for the degree course Film Direction with his self-produced short film »Monologue« at the European University of Damascus and was accepted as one of the best three applicants with a scholarship. After his institution was destroyed by the Syrian civil war, he fled to Europe in early 2015 and was accepted as an asylum seeker. He worked as an actor and drama teacher on Mozart’s Zaide. His love to the stage has helped him through the physically and mentally exhausting time of escape.