William Peña Vega (Colombia) – Unknown Street / Calle Desconocida, 2006, 7:15
people in the streets, noise, chaos, money; everything moves fast, even for those who don’t belong here. Their gazes tell us about their emotions, but we don’t know where those emotions come from
William Peña Vega
I was born in Bogotá, Colombia, 1973. My first artistic aproach was in the school doing drawings. Later, at the university in Bogotá, I began to work with illustration, painting, photography, animation, and comic. my professional career started in 1996 in an advertising agency doing animations and storyboards, and later, doing graphic design in a big factory. I moved to Spain in 2000 and since then, apart from working in freelance video and design projects, i’ve made some shortfilms, collaborated with other artists in photography, animation, and performance