Jan Szewczyk (Poland) – Day of Rage, 2011, 02:58
The Day of Rage video was shot during a rock-climbing trip to the Todra Canyon in Morocco. One day, while standing on a stone ledge situated under one of the climbing routes, I heard a loud thud coming from the base of the mountains. Using a close-up shot I was able to record the situation presented in the video. It turned out that the local people decided to punish a man who was not from this region and demolished his house. I wasn’t able to find out what was the reason of this attack. Next day there was no trace that any building ever stood there.
Jan Szewczyk
Born in 1986 in Bialystok (Poland). Lives and works in Berlin, Germany. He studied Intermedia on Academy of Arts in Posen (2005 – 10). He received master in video studio under prof. Marek Wasilewski’s guidance. Currently a PhD student at his maternal University. He took part artistic residency in Koln at Kunstiftung NRW’s invitation (2013), and also in Tokio (2014). He is twice finalist of Samsung Art Master. He showed his works among other things on festival Les Recontres Internationales in Paris i Berlin.