Hermes Mangialardo (Italy) – Frontiers, 2011, 2:40
Two children wants to play together, but a wall grow up and create a frontier
Hermes Mangialardo
Hi, I was born in 1975 in Copertino, a little town in the south of Italy. I was 14 whem my brother took me to the cinema to see “The Wall”, and then my life changed.
I took a Flash animation Diploma at “Scuola Politecnica di Design” in Milan and in 2001 I started to product my own animations.After a Multimedia Design Master in Florence I started to write and developed many clips and animations, music videos and short videos that won many prizes, like the MTV Flash Awards at Hamburg Bitfilm Festival, the Giffoni music Concept for the best animation videoclip, the first prize at Independent film Festival inFlorida, special jury prize at I’VE SEEN FILM FESTIVAL, the first prize at Camper Walking contest inBarcellona, the Italian windowat Resfest, London Film Festival, and more.