HDYS (Spain) – WE THE PEOPLE, 2018, 3:51
This is the march of the refugees, the enslaved and the imprisoned. united to destroy borders and prisons, to usher in a new and more just world.
is aN art group formed by Nikky Schiller, Vlad T and Big Toxic to talk about the concepts of global human identity, morality and justice in the current world, and as a vehicle to tell the artists story after they have been banned by travelling by US govt, censored across social networks, and even targeted with open ended “investigations”, detentions and harassment by US intelligence services for promoting the ideas of global human equality.
HDYS is going to be the voice that breaks through censorship, that breaks through indifference, that breaks through walls and borders.
It is a voice of and for our common humanity.
It is a voice that can not be silenced
This project is about our human identity and how it trumps identity defined by walls, prisons, borders, racism, nativism and nationalism and all the other isms. This album is banned in USA because USA is banning humanity. The artists behind this work have been placed on terror watch lists, banned from entering the country and placed under investigation for their ideas and art.
USA is Banning Humanity
They Banned us for talking about the necessity of equality of all peoples.
They Banned us for our opposition to walls and our solidarity with refugees of all kinds.
They Banned us to stop other people from hearing us
They Banned Us because they want to Censor US
And what are WE?
We are just 1 voice
speaking in the name of our common humanity
#BannedUS #CensorUS