Amir Kabir Jabari (Iran) – Domiz Camp, 2015, 3:11
In one hand lots of rules which makes limitations for independent artists and millions of selfi images in virtual word with my self interest about war and refugees , in other hand snap shot ecstatic issues and make a some good time for people who are in hard situation , make me to find a way and made that video.
Amir Kabir Jabbari
Born on December 3, 1984 in Tehran,Iran. Amir Kabir Jabbari is an Iranian self-educated photographer. He dropped university to follow his passion and started photography in 2012 He has been working on different genres as well. Amir’s works have been exhibited in two galleries in Tehran. He also was awarded at the art week in Istanbul Technical University in 2015. Indeed his Video has been awarded a “Lorenzo il Magnifico” in Florence Biennale .