Aline Biasutto (France) – The Sirens Chant, 2013, 11’02
The Sirens Chant engages a poetic process of actualization with all of its complexities. The Mediterranean—a territorial entity bounded and open through actual borders and divided into discreet national cultures- is animated into a perpetual movement of de-territorialization and re-territorialization that renders it instable. Instability in your piece produces fragments, erotic figures, and geometries that haunt the surface of the screen, the sea, the motion of waves that web and flow incessantly. Agitation and meditation. Actual and virtual. A virtual as excess, as erotic excess. Eroticism as the ‘real’ future of an illusion, the illusion being the Mediterranean as a geopolitical entity. Dreamlike, Aline Biasutto’s piece invites to a psychoanalytical act of sorts that relies on a different politics of the unconscious. A collective psychoanalysis. (Tarek El Haik, March 2013)
Aline Biasutto
questions the politics of the image, its potential resistance to the representation and interpretation. Her images, photographs, videos and drawings are close to explosion, or at the edge of silence.
While leaving room for serendipity, for wonder, the work of Aline Biasutto convene both contemporary history and literature. Through a questioning on the sensitive perception of images, her work imposes a poetic dialectic between author and viewer, between the local and the universal, between language and image.
Aline Biasutto was born in 1980 in Luneville, France. She lives and works in Paris.
Graduate of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Montpellier, she has exhibited recently at the Conservera , Ceuti, La Brasserie, Art Center, Foncquevillers, Gallery Michel Journiac, Paris and the Modern Art Museum in Moscow.