Title: Abe Abraham (USA) – Salt Water, 2017, 5:52
Synopsis: Salt Water explores the contrast between the force of natural events and our own need and desire for stability.
Abe Abraham
creates video-art works that feature dancers from some of the leading dance companies in the world, including New York City Ballet, Alvin Alley, Complexions, Shen Wel, and Dutch National Ballet. His most recent work Salt Water has appeared in over twenty film festivals and exhibitions around the globe and has won several awards, including Best Film at the 31st Minimalen Short Film Festiva in Trondheim, Norway and Best Editing at ArteNonStopFilm Festival in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
creates video-art works that feature dancers from some of the leading dance companies in the world, including New York City Ballet, Alvin Alley, Complexions, Shen Wel, and Dutch National Ballet. His most recent work Salt Water has appeared in over twenty film festivals and exhibitions around the globe and has won several awards, including Best Film at the 31st Minimalen Short Film Festiva in Trondheim, Norway and Best Editing at ArteNonStopFilm Festival in Buenos Aires, Argentina.