The Unstitute (UK/Spain) – ‘Immigranta’, 2017, 6:24
New Town is an online environment constructed by deep cover operatives in a small Catalan village, exploring and presenting in detail ‘the daily goings on’ in the place. The material is then translated by intensities of feeling, occuring at these micro-events into the archival digital constallation of ‘New Town’- a radical internet architecture.
The Unstitute
Built in 2011 to offer challenges to establishment language and practice, The Unstitute creates and curates video and sound projects, manifestoes, anarchic web-design and supports up to four online residencies per year as a part of its ongoing participation programme. Each department of the virtual building constitutes a series of movements which proliferate into extensions and entrances, holes and dead-ends, annexes and chambers; sequential sectional additions – never singular, absolute, permanent, profound – always plural, temporary, mobile, superficial.